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TapiLineDeviceState Enumeration
Describes various device state changes in the LineDeviceState event.

Namespace: Traysoft.AddTapi
Assembly: Traysoft.AddTapi (in Traysoft.AddTapi.dll) Version:
public enum TapiLineDeviceState
  Member nameValueDescription
Ringing2 The ring signal is detected on the line. The application is notified on each ring cycle by repeated LineDeviceState events with the Ringing flag set.
Connected4 The line was previously disconnected and is now connected to TAPI.
Disconnected8 This line was previously connected and is now disconnected from TAPI.
MsgWaitOn16 The message waiting indicator is turned on.
MsgWaitOff32 The message waiting indicator is turned off.
InService64 The line is connected to TAPI. This happens when TAPI is first activated or when the line wire is physically plugged in and in-service at the switch while TAPI is active.
OutOfService128 The line is out of service at the switch or physically disconnected. TAPI cannot be used to operate on the line device.
Maintenance256 Maintenance is being performed on the line at the switch. TAPI cannot be used to operate on the line device.
Open512 The line has been opened by another application.
Close1024 The line has been closed by another application.
NumCalls2048 The number of calls on the line device has changed.
DeviceSpecific131072 The line's device-specific information has changed. The application should check DeviceSpecificInfo for updated information.
All133118 A mask that includes all line device states.
See Also