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TapiApp Class
Performs AddTapi.NET initialization/shutdown and manages telephony lines.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Traysoft.AddTapi
Assembly: Traysoft.AddTapi (in Traysoft.AddTapi.dll) Version:
public static class TapiApp

The TapiApp type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleLines
Gets a list of telephony line devices available on the computer.
Public propertyStatic memberSerialNumber
Sets a serial number in a licensed version of AddTapi.NET.
Public propertyStatic memberUseSynchronizationContext
Indicates whether AddTapi.NET should use SynchronizationContext when firing events.
Public propertyStatic memberCode exampleVoices
Gets a list of text-to-speech voices available on the computer.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleInitialize
Initializes AddTapi.NET.
Public methodStatic memberShutdown
Shutdowns AddTapi.NET.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleCallConnected
Occurs when a call has been established and the connection is made.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleCallDisconnected
Occurs when a call has been disconnected.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleCallInfo
Occurs when the call information about a call has changed.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleCallState
Occurs when the state of a call has changed.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleDeviceSpecific
Notifies the application about device specific events occurring on a line, address, or call.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleDeviceSpecificFeature
Notifies the application about device specific events occurring on a line, address, or call.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleDigitDetected
Notifies the application about DTMF digit detected on a line.
Public eventStatic memberForwardingInfo
Occurs when the forwarding status of the address has changed.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleGenerated
Notifies the application that DTMF digit generation has terminated.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleIncomingCall
Occurs when a new incoming call is received.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleLineAdded
Occurs when a new line device is added to the system.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleLineClosed
Occurs when a line is forcibly closed by Windows because of hardware error or configuration changes.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleLineDeviceState
Occurs when the state of a line device has changed.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleLineRemoved
Occurs when existing line device is removed.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleOutgoingCall
Occurs when a new outgoing call is detected.
Public eventStatic memberReInit
Notifies the application that TAPI system has requested re-initialization.
Public eventStatic memberCode exampleTapiError
Occurs when Telephony API (TAPI) error is received while performing an asynchronous operation.
TapiApp is a static class. Methods Initialize(String) and Shutdown are used to initialize and shutdown AddTapi.NET. Lines collection holds a list of telephony line devices installed on the computer. Voices is a list of text-to-speech voices available for text synthesis.
The following code shows how to initialzie and shutdown AddTapi.NET.
Console.WriteLine("{0} telephony lines", TapiApp.Lines.Count);
See Also