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TapiCallReason Enumeration
Describes the reason for a call.

Namespace: Traysoft.AddTapi
Assembly: Traysoft.AddTapi (in Traysoft.AddTapi.dll) Version:
public enum TapiCallReason
  Member nameValueDescription
Direct1 This is a direct incoming or outgoing call.
FwdBusy2 This call was forwarded from another extension that was busy at the time of the call.
FwdNoAnswer4 The call was forwarded from another extension that didn't answer the call after some number of rings.
FwdUncond8 The call was forwarded unconditionally from another number.
Pickup16 The call was picked up from another extension.
Unpark32 The call was retrieved as a parked call.
Redirect64 The call was redirected to this station.
CallCompletion128 The call was the result of a call completion request.
Transfer256 The call has been transferred from another number.
Reminder512 The call is a reminder (or "recall") that the user has a call parked or on hold for (potentially) a long time.
Unknown1024 The reason for the call is currently unknown but may become known later.
Unavail2048 The reason for the call is unavailable and will not become known later.
Intrude4096 The call intruded onto the line, either by a call completion action invoked by another station or by operator action. Depending on switch implementation, the call may appear either in the connected state, or conferenced with an existing active call on the line.
Parked8192 The call was parked on the address. Usually, it appears initially in the onhold state.
CampedOn16384 The call was camped on the address. Usually, it appears initially in the onhold state. If an active call becomes idle, the camped-on call may change to the offering state and the device start ringing.
RouteRequest32768 The call appears on the address because the switch needs routing instructions from the application.
See Also