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TapiErrors Enumeration
Contains the most common Telephony API (TAPI) error numbers.

Namespace: Traysoft.AddTapi
Assembly: Traysoft.AddTapi (in Traysoft.AddTapi.dll) Version:
public enum TapiErrors
  Member nameValueDescription
Allocated-2147483647 The line cannot be opened due to a persistent condition, such as that of a serial port being exclusively opened by another process.
BadDeviceID-2147483646 The specified device identifier or line device identifier is invalid or out of range.
BearerModeUnavail-2147483645 The bearer mode is invalid, the bearer mode is not available, or the call's bearer mode cannot be changed to the specified bearer mode.
CallUnavail-2147483643 All call appearances on the specified address are currently in use.
CompletionOverrun-2147483642 The maximum number of outstanding call completions has been exceeded.
ConferenceFull-2147483641 The maximum number of parties for a conference has been reached, or the requested number of parties cannot be satisfied.
DialBilling-2147483640 The dialable number contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider.
DialDialTone-2147483639 The dialable number contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider.
DialPrompt-2147483638 The dialable number contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider.
DialQuiet-2147483637 The dialable number contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider.
IncompatibleAPIVersion-2147483636 The application requested a TAPI version or version range that is either incompatible with, or cannot be supported by, the Telephony API implementation and the corresponding service provider.
IncompatibleExtVersion-2147483635 The application requested an extension version range that is either invalid or cannot be supported by the corresponding service provider.
IniFileCorrupt-2147483634 The Telephon.ini file cannot be read or understood properly by TAPI because of internal inconsistencies or formatting problems. For example, the [Locations], [Cards], or [Countries] section of the Telephon.ini file may be corrupted or inconsistent.
InUse-2147483633 The line device is in use and cannot currently be configured, allow a party to be added, allow a call to be answered, allow a call to be placed, or allow a call to be transferred.
InvalAddress-2147483632 The specified address (phone number or extension) is either invalid or not allowed. If invalid, the address contains invalid characters or digits, or the destination address contains dialing control characters, W, @, $, or ?, that are not supported by the service provider. If the address is not allowed, the specified address is either not assigned to the specified line or is not valid for address redirection.
InvalAddressID-2147483631 The specified address identifier is either invalid or out of range.
InvalAddressMode-2147483630 The specified address mode is invalid.
InvalAddressState-2147483629 The specified address state contains one or more bits that are not LINEADDRESSSTATE.
InvalAppHandle-2147483628 The application handle or the application registration handle is invalid.
InvalAppName-2147483627 The specified application name is invalid. The application name should not contain any non-displayable characters, and should be zero-terminated.
InvalBearerMode-2147483626 The specified bearer mode is invalid.
InvalCallComplMode-2147483625 The specified completion is invalid.
InvalCallHandle-2147483624 The specified call handle is not valid.
InvalCallParams-2147483623 The specified call parameters are invalid.
InvalCallPrivilege-2147483622 The specified call privilege parameter is invalid.
InvalCallSelect-2147483621 The specified select parameter is invalid.
InvalCallState-2147483620 The current state of a call is not a valid state for the requested operation.
InvalCallStateList-2147483619 The specified call state list is invalid.
InvalCard-2147483618 The permanent card identifier could not be found in any entry in the [Cards] section in the registry.
InvalCompletionID-2147483617 The completion identifier is invalid.
InvalConfCallHandle-2147483616 The specified call handle for the conference call is invalid or is not a handle for a conference call.
InvalConsultCallHandle-2147483615 The specified consultation call handle is invalid.
InvalCountryCode-2147483614 The specified country/region code is invalid.
InvalDeviceClass-2147483613 The line device has no associated device for the given device class, or the specified line does not support the indicated device class.
InvalDeviceHandle-2147483612 The line device handle is invalid.
InvalDialParams-2147483611 The dialing parameters are invalid.
InvalDigitList-2147483610 The specified digit list is invalid.
InvalDigitMode-2147483609 The specified digit mode is invalid.
InvalDigits-2147483608 The specified termination digits are not valid.
InvalExtVersion-2147483607 The service provider extension version number is invalid.
InvalGroupID-2147483606 The specified group identifier is invalid.
InvalLineHandle-2147483605 The specified call, device, line device, or line handle is invalid.
InvalLineState-2147483604 The device configuration may not be changed in the current line state.
InvalLocation-2147483603 The permanent location identifier could not be found in any entry in the [Locations] section in the registry.
InvalMediaList-2147483602 The specified media list is invalid.
InvalMediaMode-2147483601 The list of media types (modes) to be monitored contains invalid information, the specified media type parameter is invalid, or the service provider does not support the specified media type.
InvalMessageID-2147483600 The number given in MessageID is outside the range specified by the NumCompletionMessages member.
InvalParam-2147483598 A parameter or structure that a parameter points to contains invalid information, a country/region code is invalid, or the specified forward list parameter contains invalid information.
InvalParkID-2147483597 The park identifier is invalid.
InvalParkMode-2147483596 The specified park mode is invalid.
InvalPointer-2147483595 One or more of the specified pointer parameters are invalid, or a required pointer to an output parameter is NULL.
InvalPrivSelect-2147483594 An invalid flag or combination of flags was set for the Privileges parameter.
InvalRate-2147483593 The specified rate is invalid.
InvalRequestMode-2147483592 The RequestMode indicator is invalid.
InvalTerminalID-2147483591 The specified terminal identifier is invalid.
InvalTerminalMode-2147483590 The specified terminal modes parameter is invalid.
InvalTimeout-2147483589 Timeouts are not supported or a value falls outside the valid range.
InvalTone-2147483588 The specified custom tone does not represent a valid tone or is made up of too many frequencies or the specified tone structure does not describe a valid tone.
InvalToneList-2147483587 The specified tone list is invalid.
InvalToneMode-2147483586 The specified tone mode parameter is invalid.
InvalTransferMode-2147483585 The specified transfer mode parameter is invalid.
LineMapperFailed-2147483584 No lines were found that match the requirements specified in the CallParams parameter.
NoConference-2147483583 The specified call is not a conference call handle or a participant call.
NoDevice-2147483582 The specified device identifier, which was previously valid, is no longer accepted because the associated device has been removed from the system since TAPI was last initialized. Alternately, the line device has no associated device for the given device class.
NoDriver-2147483581 Either Tapiaddr.dll could not be located or the telephone service provider for the specified device found that one of its components is missing or corrupt in a way that was not detected at initialization time. The user should be advised to use the Telephony Control Panel to correct the problem.
NoMem-2147483580 Insufficient memory to perform the operation, or unable to lock memory.
NoRequest-2147483579 There currently is no request pending of the indicated mode, or the application is no longer the highest-priority application for the specified request mode.
NotOwner-2147483578 The application does not have owner privilege to the specified call.
NotRegistered-2147483577 The application is not registered as a request recipient for the indicated request mode.
OperationFailed-2147483576 The operation failed for an unspecified or unknown reason.
OperationUnavail-2147483575 The operation is not available, such as for the given device or specified line.
RateUnavail-2147483574 The service provider currently does not have enough bandwidth available for the specified rate.
ResourceUnavail-2147483573 Insufficient resources to complete the operation. For example, a line cannot be opened due to a dynamic resource overcommitment.
RequestOverrun-2147483572 More requests are pending than the device can handle.
StructureTooSmall-2147483571 The TotalSize member of a structure does not specify enough memory to contain the fixed portion of the specified structure.
TargetNotFound-2147483570 A target for the call handoff was not found.
TargetSelf-2147483569 The application invoking this operation is the target of the indirect handoff.
Uninitialized-2147483568 The operation was invoked before TAPI was initialized.
UserUserInfoTooBig-2147483567 The string containing user-user information is too long.
ReInit-2147483566 TAPI reinitialization has been requested, all applications should shut down its usage of TAPI.
AddressBlocked-2147483565 The specified address (phone number or extension) is blocked from being dialed on the specified call.
BillingRejected-2147483564 The billing mode of the call was rejected
InvalFeature-2147483563 The requested Feature parameter is invalid.
NoMultipleInstance-2147483562 A telephony service provider that does not support multiple instances is listed more than once in the [Providers] section in the registry. The application should advise the user to use the Telephony Control Panel to remove the duplicated driver.
InvalAgentID-2147483561 The specified agent identifier is invalid.
InvalAgentGroup-2147483560 The application referenced an agent group that is not valid.
InvalPassword-2147483559 The application used an invalid password.
InvalAgentState-2147483558 The application referenced an agent state that is not valid.
InvalAgentActivity-2147483557 The specified agent activity is not valid
DialVoiceDetect-2147483556 Use of the dial modifier (:) is not supported.
UserCancelled-2147483555 The user cancelled the call.
InvalAddressType-2147483554 The application referenced an address type that is not valid.
InvalAgentSessionState-2147483553 The agent session state is invalid.
Disconnected-2147483552 The call has been disconnected.
ServiceNotRunning-2147483551 The TAPI service is not running.
See Also