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What's New in Version 1.2
New in AddTapi.NET 1.2
  • Full 64-bit Support.

    Version 1.2 is compiled with Platform Target set to "Any CPU" and supports native 64-bit mode. On a 64-bit operating system Traysoft.AddTapi.dll assembly is loaded as a 64-bit DLL and it uses 64-bit TAPI. Please note that some telephony hardware does not have 64-bit drivers and will not work on a 64-bit OS. Please confirm with your supplier that the hardware you are planning to use has 64-bit drivers and works on a 64-bit OS.

  • Support for legacy TAPI 1.3 and 1.4 hardware.

    In addition to TAPI 2.0-2.2, new version of AddTapi.NET supports telephony service providers (TSP) that implement version 1.3 or 1.4 of TAPI interface.

  • New Guid and Tag properties to simplify call management in your application.

    Version 1.2 adds Guid property that applications can use to track calls through all call-related events or to store call information in a database. Tag property can be used to store application-specific information associated with the call or the caller for easy access in call-related events.

  • New properties that provide more information about a call.

    Reason, Origin, RedirectionID, RedirectingID, Display properties were added to the TapiCall class to provide additional information about a call.

  • New CallInfo event to receive notifications about changes to the call information.

    Version 1.2 adds CallInfo event and TapiCallInfoState enumeration to notify applications when the information about a call changes.

  • New CallState event for tracking call state changes.

    Using CallState event an application can get notifications about all call state changes. Extended TapiCallState enumeration provides more information about call states.

  • Access to the communication port to support data transfer.

    Version 1.2 adds GetCommHandle method that returns a handle of the open communication port. This handle can be used to transfer data between the application and the remote terminal.