What's new in version 2.0

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What's new in version 2.0


AddEmail ActiveX 2.0 adds many new features and improvements while maintaining complete compatibility with previous versions. Source code written for AddEmail ActiveX 1.x should compile and work with AddEmail ActiveX 2.0 without any modifications. New features added to version 2.0 are listed below.


Secure connection (TLS/SSL) support


Version 2.0 supports encrypted (TLS/SSL) connection to SMTP servers. Set SmtpSSL property to True if you want to use TLS/SSL connection, for example when using smtp.gmail.com server on port 465.


Secure Password Authentication (SPA) support


Version 2.0 supports Secure Password Authentication (SPA). If your SMTP server requires SPA please set SmtpSPA property to True in order to use SPA authentication method. Please note that some servers are configured to require SmtpUsername in username@domain.com format for SPA authentication.


Windows Vista support


Version 2.0 was extensively tested on Windows Vista and supports all Windows Vista editions. Please note that new security feature of Windows Vista called User Account Protection (UAP) prevents regular programs from writing to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry branch. Because of that, administrator privileges are required to register AddEmail.dll on Windows Vista. Only registration requires administrator privileges. After AddEmail.dll is registered on the target computer, it can be used to send e-mails from any program without administrator privileges.


New features of SimpleSend methods


Version 2.0 adds new SimpleSendAttachment method which allows to send text or HTML e-mails with any number of attachments to multiple recipients using just one method call. SimpleSend method also was modified to support text and HTML e-mails with multiple recipients. Please refer to the SimpleSend and SimpleSendAttachment topics in this manual for more information.


Improved Unicode support


Version 2.0 automatically detects Unicode characters and creates Unicode e-mails even if MessageBodyCharset property is not set. In addition, version 2.0 supports Unicode in the subject or in the body of the message when you use SimpleSend or SimpleSendAttachment.


Improved SMTP engine for sending e-mails directly (Enterprise version only)


SMTP engine in version 2.0 was updated to improve speed and compatibility when sending e-mails directly without using SMTP server of your organization or internet provider. New SenderHostname property allows to specify fully-qualified domain name of the sending computer. Please refer to the SenderHostname topic in this manual for more information.


New methods for obtaining error code and error description


GetLastErrorCode and GetLastErrorDescription methods were added in version 2.0 to improve compatibility with programming languages that do not support out parameters, e.g. JavaScript. These methods allow to obtain error code and error description of the last synchronous send operation.


Improved MIME engine


New MIME engine in version 2.0 creates e-mails that closely resemble e-mails created by Outlook, reducing probability that e-mails sent using AddEmail will be blocked by a spam filter.


Read receipt support


With previous versions of AddEmail custom header had to be added to the message to request a read receipt. To request read receipt with version 2.0 set RequestReadReceipt property of MailMessage object to True.