AltMessageBodyEncoding Property

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AltMessageBodyEncoding Property


AltMessageBodyEncoding property specifies encoding of alternative plain-text body of e-mail message.




[Visual Basic]

objMailMessage.AltMessageBodyEncoding = MailEncoding7Bit



objMailMessage.AltMessageBodyEncoding = 1 'MailEncoding7Bit



objMailMessage.AltMessageBodyEncoding = AddEmailLib.MailEncoding.MailEncoding7Bit;



HRESULT get_AltMessageBodyEncoding(MailEncoding*);

HRESULT put_AltMessageBodyEncoding(MailEncoding);







AltMessageBodyEncoding property indicates which encoding method should be used for alternative plain-text body of the message. Possible encoding values are defined in the MailEncoding enumeration. Default value of AltMessageBodyEncoding property is MailEncodingDefault, which means that AddEmail will try to determine best encoding method based on the content of alternative message body. Application can specify encoding method to save time needed to analyze alternative message body. Use MailEncoding7Bit if alternative message body contains only English ASCII characters 32-126 and line length does not exceed 76 characters. Use MailEncoding8Bit if alternative message body contains non-English ASCII characters and line length does not exceed 76 characters. Use MailEncodingQuotedPrintable if line length exceeds 76 characters and formatting should be preserved. Use MailEncodingBase64 for Unicode messages or if alternative message body contains many non-English ASCII characters.